Tendrils of lightning rods on airplanes
One blogger, who works in aviation and told interesting facts about lightning rod antennae mounted on modern aircraft.
Pleasant acquaintance.
Author: Well, no, not really something you have to. But once you understand that here it is necessary to tell you about the very mustache.For smaller issues, explain the rest of the first. Sneak a white plastic - this is some sort of clever antenna defendant "friend or foe". The plane is the military, the Tu-134. He nadot. Transparent glass cap is light. Sort of like size or combatant fire. red sticks down - this fairing limit switch turn on the system of neutral gas. The idea is that in the case of landing without landing gear at the touch Puzik wing fairing surface collapses, trailer will give a signal, and the wing tanks will yield nitrogen under pressure. To pair of kerosene burned immediately.The system is installed in our forty years before were put on imported equipment (there only recently attended a similar). now more of a stick-whisk.
Such picturesque brush metal wire aircraft need to get rid of static electricity in the air. Plane because is panted, Koya is an insulator. And with the rapid flight and air friction inevitably accumulate charge. And speed is big. And so it is static electricity back into the air to merge and need gaps. They are installed in different places - where everyone udumala. For example, at the trailing edge of the stabilizer endings:

That's on the back of the fairing stabilizer actuator:
It should be noted that such an outrage was not always. Already on the Tu-154 has become a cultural gaps - fuzz ends clap in a small (about a centimeter in diameter), the tapered end of a rubber-insulating tube, open at rear. Delay was just seven, and some flight engineers meticulously considered delays on the wingtips. But somehow the ladder to climb to the regulator and to count delays there, they did not ask.

More to get rid of static on the chassis was a metal cables, koi were reset static surface after planting. However, all these measures did not work perfectly, and on arrival the Tu-154 I periodically invigorate a gentle discharge. Or, so I thought, when I climbed the ladder play off the pressure in the hydraulic accumulator reverse.
Foreign cars, as usual, all cultured.

Here gaps on the wing Boeing-737NG:
They look like plastic rods. Some on the ends of a belt of yellow plastic.
The documentation Airbus write about gaps are and what their use can reduce the interference of communication and navigation systems.arresters normal resistance is from 6 to 120 MW (or 200 other models). Replaced it simple - loosen / tighten only one screw. dischargers have probably all bystroletayuschih aircraft.

That's a 340-m Emirates, too:
On zakus have outstanding issues with zip. Generally, if it gets on the plane, nothing terrible happens. Nothing is broken. Unless zone input and output bits on the surface plane slightly fused.

Here's how it looked on the stabilizer Tu-154:
Here they cope with the problem better - from cars me cringe :) Although the chassis there is nothing to hang. the keel:
And this - the same place on the edge:
At Airbus, as more electric aircraft, installed more gaps