Earth pics seen from space

by umer | 8:56 AM in , , |

Earth pics seen from space
Canadian astronaut Chris Hatfield (Chris Hatfield) is currently on the International Space Station as part of the next expedition.
It has become very popular, with the publication of a large number of images from space.
Lets look at his work. Golden Gate Bridge. San Francisco.
Brazilian fields.
Eight countries in the clouds.
Night Quebec - hometown astronaut.
A string of Australian beaches.
 Lights of New York.
Night Boston.
Port Elizabeth, South Africa.
Lake Nasser, Egypt.
The Caribbean island of Aruba.
Flooding in Bundaberg, Australia.
Cauliflower clouds over the Amazon.
Mysterious mountains of Venezuela.
Australian Outback.

Strait of Gibraltar.
Istanbul and the Bosphorus.
The fires in the forests of western Australia.
Auckland, New Zealand.
Volcano Taranaki, New Zealand.
Lake Taupo, New Zealand.
Sahara Desert.
Clouds Chilean coast.
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Dead Sea.
Snow storm in the south-western United States.