Bizarre creatures about which little is known
The planet lives so many different creatures that we do not even know of many.
Lets look at some of them. Lamprey Lamprey are a type of jawless fish that lives mainly in coastal and fresh waters. The adults are characterized by a funnel-toothed mouth. They are attached to the fish and suck their blood. Lamprey appeared on Earth more than 300 million years ago.

Red Wolf 
Red Wolf belongs to the species of canids, and he hails from South and South-East Asia. He is closer to the wild dogs live in packs, group hunting practices. First of all, they prey on medium-sized ungulates, which they tire in long chases. They are afraid of people, even though they are bold enough to attack large and dangerous animals such as wild boar, buffalo and even a tiger.
Babirussa, found only on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi, Togiyan, Sula and Buru. Babirussa constantly grind down their "horns" because they are growing up without stopping. If they did not, the horn would grow into the skull and knock it
Frilled ironclad battleship frilled about 10 centimeters in length. For the second battleship turned into a fortress. It is a nocturnal animal that lives in burrows and feeds mainly on ants. It uses a large front claws to dig, as he swims well.
Fossa is the largest mammalian predator on the island of Madagascar. The size of it with a puma. It has a semi-retractable claws and flexible ankles that allow it to climb up and down trees head up.

Gerenuks, also known as the Waller's Gazelle. This is a long-necked species of antelope, which can be found in East Africa. Gerenuks off the Somali translates as "the giraffe's neck." Gerenuks have relatively small heads relative to their bodies, with their eyes and ears are very large in proportion.Gerenuks rarely graze, they mainly feed on acacia. In order to reach the highest branches, they often stand on their hind legs.

This creature has many features that make it very important for human beings. On the one hand it is resistant to cancer. And they live up to 28 years, which is unheard of in a mammal of its size. In this case, the type of mole rat is not aging over the 28 years. He is constantly exploring and trying to use it to find a cure for cancer and the means to stop aging
Irrawaddy dolphin 
These dolphins is a species of oceanic dolphins. They can be found near the coast and estuaries in the Bay of Bengal and South-East Asia. Genetically, the Irrawaddy dolphin is very close to the orca.

Markhor - species of wild goat that lives in the north-east of Afghanistan and Pakistan. They were fewer than 2,500 individuals. Markhor is the national symbol of Pakistan. By the way, Markhor is not so simple. That foam, which is produced during mastication helps people with bites of poisonous snakes.

Yeti crab is also known as Kivaydae. But as a rule, they are called "yeti crab" because they seem to be completely white and very fluffy.
Rinopitek (or snub-nosed monkey) snub-nosed monkeys live in different parts of Asia, and got its name from a short nose and a round face. Snub-nosed monkeys inhabit mountain forests, and winter coming down. They spend most of their lives in trees and live in flocks of up to 600 individuals. They have a large vocal repertoire, and they love to perform solo.
Maned wolf wolf Barbary - the largest mammal canids in South America, and it looks like a large fox with reddish fur. This mammal lives in open and semi-open spaces. Long legs - this is a way to adapt to the high grass.

Indian muntjac is found it in South Asia. It is omnivorous. He ate grass, fruits, sprouts, seeds, eggs, birds and small animals and carrion. If he sees a predator, he barks like a dog. Males of the behavior is very similar to dogs. They bite like dogs and fighting over territory and females.
Cyphonia Clavata This kind of wood flies, but most of all it looks like an ant. In fact, the part that is most similar to an ant - an appendage, which is ready to fly with ease leave in the event of an attack by a predator.
Sunda Colugo Also known as the Sunda flying lemur, but in fact it is not lemur and he obviously does not fly. Instead, he jumps and plans among the trees. Only lives in trees and is active at night, and it feeds the soft parts of plants, such as young leaves, shoots, flowers and fruit. It can be found throughout Southeast Asia, specifically in Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore

Crested deer has a black tuft of hair on the forehead and express fangs. It is a close relative of the muntjac, but he lives a bit north, mainly in China.It is a timid, lonely animal.
raccoon dog, or tanuki is indigenous Canidae species in East Asia. The raccoon dog is so named because of the strong resemblance to a raccoon, to whom she is not related. By the way, they are very good climbers.

Patagonian Mara - is a relatively large rodent living in some areas of Argentina. This is a herbivore, which is very similar to the rabbit, but has no relationship with him.
Amazonian Royal Flycatcher, as you might imagine, is found only in the Amazon. They are very small and feed on flying insects. For their size, they are building a very large nests, up to two meters in diameter. Nest hanging over the water, and therefore it is not easily accessible to predators.

zebra duiker - small antelope from Côte d'Ivoire. They have golden or reddish-brown fur with characteristic zebra stripes. Hence the name. They live in tropical forests and feed on leaves and fruits
Zvezdonos - it's a mole, which lives in damp areas in eastern Canada and the northeastern United States. He has 11 pairs of pink fleshy appendages that are used as a sensory organ.