Most insane feats Bear Grylls
Scientists have found that if you happen to nuclear apocalypse, it will remain on Earth ... only cockroaches and Bear Grylls. Do not believe me? In this post, the most insane feats of the British expert on survival.
Deer Heart Huskies gave his name known ice cream flavor, but in real life, these people often severe eating raw meat. Once inside the Arctic Circle, Grylls, of course, could not join the local culture. He finished off with a sure hand and skinned the main source of living in this snowy wilderness - reindeer. The belly of the horned cattle was a great place where you can warm up stiff hands, and went down to the warming of ammunition. On this day, the lunch was a traveler animal's heart, which he washed down with a few generous sips of deer blood.
Dear Honey Bear Grylls loves honey, not for nothing that his name is translated into Russian as "Bear." In this case, it is certain that it is best to look for a treat not at the grocery store, and a beehive somewhere in the Mexican mountains. The operation to extract honey was quite successful, and ekstremal escaped with just a bite in the face. But it turned out that he was allergic to bee venom. Grylls face began to swell in near real time, and it soon became a cartoon alien comics from which little is seen by one eye.

Glamorous urinotherapy It is safe to assume that Grylls is a big fan of Dr. Malakhov calling to drink urine at every opportunity. After all, the Briton, removes most of their shows in arid areas, it is necessary to do so with surprising regularity. But never before quenching thirst with their own urine did not look as glamorous as one hot day in the salt Mexican desert. Grylls urinated into the skin of a snake previously eaten there and then drank the urine because of another vessel with him in that moment at hand was not.
Camel House Visiting the Sahara desert, Grylls has decided to show its viewers a "simple" way, which is used by local Berbers to protect themselves from blowing sand. For this, he butchered carcass of a hefty camel brush the insides and ripped off from animal skin. Camel skeleton was framed for asylum broadcaster, where he got to his head, concealing the rest of the outside of the body with a blanket of skins. "I am one hundred percent protected from the sand!" - Shouted pleased Grylls from somewhere in the depths of pink pile of meat.
Pacific enema When traveling on a raft across the Pacific Grylls severely thirsty, quench that he could not, because it took on board only foul the water with her ​​divorced in bird excrement. One sip of the cocktail guaranteed to severe vomiting and life-threatening food poisoning, but an enterprising Briton still found a way to avoid dehydration. Knowing that the colon is able to absorb liquid, he made ​​himself an enema with a sickening water, thereby preventing it from entering the stomach.
Arctic crossing Grylls, rolling wade Arctic river - an unbearable sight for even accustomed to the cold of the Russian people. He climbed into the water completely naked, using one of the sails past the ice floes for transporting skis and backpack. Every step along the rocky bottom deliver the traveler incredible suffering, compounded by the real danger of heart failure due to thermal shock. The street was such dubak that froze even camera to shoot - senseless and merciless - a feat Briton.