Stash in the basement

by umer | 12:58 PM in , , |

Stash in the basement
I and my wife moved to Pittsburgh and bought our first home. Prior to that, the house had one owner - an elderly lady who had moved into a nursing home. She and her family have lived here since the house was built! Like most houses of Pittsburgh this was over 100 years old! Most homes have an unfinished basement, as well as in ours. As you can see, this was a lot of things left over from the previous owners.
A lot of different quality building material
I decided to move it on the floor and found an oddity. What is this?

A hole in the floor next to the panel said that the panel can be lifted

The first thing we got - a silver fork. I do not know exactly why she hid, but upon closer inspection ...
1847! Immediately to Google "1847 Rogers Bros" Hmm ... Price $ 6.

Coins! Various Indian coins late 19th and early 20th ... They do not cost too much, but still cool ... Large silver dollars in 1890, 1878, 1928's.

Perhaps somewhere there is a way out, Mike Farley now lives with us ... We named him Steve ...