The postal service in the U.S.
We had the opportunity to tell you about the work of the U.S. mail. I will show some of the nuances and, of course, will remember our mail.
When we first encountered in the U.S. mail (USPS), we could not believe my eyes. Americans receive dozens of emails a week. Mail is sent to all the documents and items: accounts (utilities, internet, medical and automobile insurance, loan payments, etc.), bank statements, credit cards, driver's license, car registration documents (including a set of metal numbers), the purchase of a online shopping (including large), etc. No need to go anywhere, just call on the phone and almost anything you will be sent home in the mail. To understand the size of the postal industry in the U.S., just look at the numbers - according to Wikipedia, every day (!) 546,000 postmen deliver 528 million letters and parcels. For comparison, the Russian Post handles about 1.7 billion pieces of correspondence a year, with the same number of U.S. Mail handles in three days. Sounds unbelievable ...
Since the USPS postal workers brought home not only the light letters, but also the heavy parcels (eg once sent us home juicer weighing more than 8 kg in a huge box) they must provide transportation. Instead of walking away with a "thick bag on the belt," virtually all American postmen move on special avtomoblyah. This made the U.S. mail the owner of the largest fleet in the world, in which there are more than 260,000 cars.

Post created keeping the trucks, providing comfort postman. Many cars are right-hand drive, so you can quickly without impeding movement out of the car and throw the newspaper right out the window. All mail is sorted in special boxes according to the addresses. Left in the cabin there is room for more of these boxes, so that the postman is not necessary every time to open the back door in search of the necessary correspondence, she had always at hand ...

Zip cars can be seen everywhere. By the way, they can park anywhere, even on the red bardyury, which prohibits all other drivers even stop.

But the most surprising thing is where the postman left a parcel. To begin with I must say that the mailboxes do not usually have the slot.Instead, the postman has a special key that opens all the time mailboxes. Here he lays out the letters, packets and small parcels, after which time they are closed. If the size of the box can not put it into the cell, the postman leaves a box on the floor in the entrance, right next to the mailboxes. Sometimes he brings her to the apartment and knocks on the door. If there has not opened the box left under the door. And yes, send no one steals. At least we do not once does not disappear, even though almost everything that does not require fitting we order through the Internet and it is delivered in this way. When you see it for the first time, do not immediately believe. It was found that, for most Americans, this is the norm.
Boxes are quietly waiting for the owner.
It is also interesting that if you suddenly need to send a letter, then go to the post office this is not necessary. Suffice it to go down to the lobby to the mailboxes and drop the letter in a special compartment for outgoing mail. When the mailman to deliver mail (and he does it at least once a day), he will take the CBM envelope.
For these purposes, there are special outdoor boxes for outgoing mail. They can be found on almost every street corner.
 This is how, for example, looks a nearby post office.
Here you can buy envelopes, boxes and packaging for parcels to send or receive emails.

PS: I almost forgot an interesting story! One day, looking at all this splendor, we have decided to send to relatives in Russia shiny new iPhone.Insuring cargo, and writing on the box content information we treasured box sent (lastly reading a couple of protective mantras and hiding a check to clear). Making disappeared without a trace ... Or a month or two she did not come to the addressee. After application on the phone, USPS conducted an investigation and called back saying that the parcel has long crossed the border of the Russian Federation. Moreover, they even contacted the Russian side, where they could not give a clear answer, and then completely refused to talk. In the USPS offered to wait.Month. It did not help. Sending does not appear! After the second phone call, they sent in the mail a short form for the damages that had been completed and returned. After a short period of time, again by mail, the envelope came with a check for an amount equal to the cost of the new IPhone + the cost of sending this parcel. And, never had no where to go or something hard to prove. Meanwhile, relatives in Moscow pestered and finally learn the address of the court, went and made a written request to find a reliable parcel and send a report on the incident. And they sent: 5 months, why then in Los Angeles, we received our mail, but has been torn to shreds a box with a "credible report" in which case allegedly came to the whole territory of the Russian Federation, but suspiciously easy. Carefully weighed and enlightened some sort of miracle-rays, the Russian side has come to the conclusion that the contents of the box had been lost in the United States. After that, the Russian side is why it sent that box to return to the sender. The story from which freezes the blood! We hope that our case was an exception to the rule. In general, you want to the best of the above was used in the Post of Russia, and the image of the postman again became a symbol of integrity and responsibility, as it was when it.