Celebrities who did not want to leave an inheritance to children
Today we tell you about the famous and wealthy people who have decided that their offspring do not deserve to live in grand style at the expense of the parental inheritance. President of Miscrosoft Bill Gates
Bill Gates is one of the richest men in the world. But he and his wife Melinda are not interested in, to leave all his money to them or to their children.In an interview in 2010 Gates said: "I always knew that to leave all his money to children - is a bad idea. It will not be useful either for children or for society. " Instead, in 1994, was founded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the capital of which, to date, more than $ 37 billion. Fund even established an "Oath of donation." Another wealthy people are encouraged to take the oath to join Gates and donate a portion of their money to charity. 
Business mogul Warren Buffett
Being incredibly wealthy investor and philanthropist, Buffett pledged to distribute 90 percent of their wealth either during his lifetime or after death. If you believe the information in the magazine FORTUNE, Buffett began with the promise of 83 percent of the charitable foundation of Bill and Melissa Gates Foundation. The Oracle of Omaha is not worried that his siblings did not receive their fair share of my father's money. Echoing the general atmosphere of the list, in his letter to the Gates Foundation Buffett wrote: "I want to give my kids just enough so that they can feel that they can do anything, but not so much that they do not want to do anything."

Founder of E-Bay, Pierre Omidyar
According to the magazine Forbes, from the moment when at age 31 became a billionaire Omidyar, founder of E-Bay has made it his main task sacrifice much of their money is not their own children, and those who are less fortunate in life. In 2010, Omidyar signed the "Oath of giving" Gates and Buffett, and continuously transfers the shares in E-Bay Omidyar Network - his philanthropic investment company. He and his wife Pam are also the largest private philanthropists, donating money to fight human trafficking.

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg
Bloomberg's salary for the performance of governmental duties - $ 1 a year, as with a net worth of $ 19.5 billion it quite firmly on its feet financially.However, Bloomberg also is an avid philanthropist who donated millions of Johns Hopkins University, the Carnegie Corporation, and many other non-profit organizations. In his letter of application to the "Oath of donation," Bloomberg wrote, "almost all of my net worth in the future will be handed out or left to my foundation." However, two daughters, Bloomberg may have to pay the bill for his father's funeral. One day, Bloomberg said, "the best financial planning ends with an unpaid check returned by the undertaker."

Rock star Jim Simmons
Bassist of KISS, one of the most profitable American bands of all time, you can call him a man who "self-made man." He was born in Israel, then moved to Queens with his mother, and organized a group which subsequently won 28 gold records. Their children, Nick and Sophie Simmons wants to go the same way of life. In an interview a few years ago the rocker said, "... in terms of inheritance and all that, take care of them, but they will never be rich at the expense of my money. Because year after year, they will have to get out of bed to go to work and make their way in life. " So the $ 300 million belonging to Simmons, after his death will be sent somewhere else.

Camaya richest woman Gina Rinehart Australia
Rinehart - Australia's richest woman - wants to cut back on children in their inheritance. The very Rinehart inherited iron ore company and state money from her father, Lang Hancock, and her children were also written in his will. However, given the Australian media court documents show that Reinhart does not believe that her four children are able to cope with family money. In one of the court documents Rinehart, said: "None of the plaintiffs did not have the necessary capabilities and skills as well as knowledge, experience, judgment, or a responsible work ethic to manage the funds, which are part of the growing HPPL Group».

Actor Jackie Chan
In 2011, the movie star announced that he had decided to send half of his fortune to charity after his death. Chan added that he has no plans to leave his son Jaycee none of the millions of dollars that are earned for his acting career. "If he has the ability - he will earn his own money. If not - it will just be wasting my "Chan said in an interview.

Co-founder of retail chain The Home Depot, Bernard Marcus
Marcus grew up in Newark, New Jersey, the son of Russian immigrants, and decided to found a Home Depot. His success in sales has helped him amass $ 1.5 billion of equity capital. His philanthropic deeds include funding for the Georgia Aquarium and the base of the Fund Marcus. Not wanting his children to inherit a lot of money - for their own good, as he said in an interview with Forbes - Marcus plans to transfer most of the shares of Home Depot in its fund, which aims to help disabled and education funding.

Businessman Chuck Feeney
Chuck Feeney is a co-founder of Duty Free Shops Duty Free (those shops at airports). In the late 1980s, he was one of the world's billionaires, as long as it has transferred all his wealth to his foundation called Atlantic Philanthropies. Before you deprive their offspring inheritance, Feeney made great efforts to ensure that convey to them the value of money. This goal Fini sought, forcing the children to chat with friends on the phone booth to work on vacation, as well as for jobs while studying in college. To date, there are rumors that Fini is not even a house or car. Once in an interview for the New York Times Feeney famously said: "I want to be the last drawn me check is returned for non-payment."

British chef Nigella Lawson
Lawson - best-selling author and TV personality, which made her a millionaire even before she married (and later divorced) a wealthy billionaire advertiser's and part-time art collector Charles Saatchi. Although the Lawson comes from a wealthy family, it seems that she is adamant that her two children should not be given the same benefits. Cook suffered severe criticism because of his statements, "I am determined to ensure that my children would not have been financially secured. The possibility of not making money corrupts people. " This statement Lawson continued that does not plan to leave their children, "poor", but adheres to the idea that after school they will have to support yourself by yourself.

Media mogul Ted Turner
Turner - so prominent philanthropist, that he is known by money as much as their earning. Having saved the state through the funding of such media outlets as CNN, TBS, Turner handed out literally billions of dollars in institutions such as the UN Foundation. In Turner's five children from three marriages, but all of them do not expect a large inheritance when his father depart to the other world. Jest or in earnest, in the 2010th Turner said he was "almost on the verge of poverty," and he needs only enough money to cover funeral expenses.

Hedge fund manager John Arnold
Although John Arnold only 40 years old, last October, he closed his hedge fund, Centaurus Energy, and retired, having saved the state $ 4 billion over the past ten years. Now, Arnold and his wife Laura have dedicated ourselves distribution of wealth through his foundation. The money does not go their three children, and to support innovative inventions. According to Laura Arnold, "because of our families and our personal experience, we just do not believe in dynastic wealth."

British composer Andrew Lloyd Webber
Accumulating hundreds of billions of dollars and becoming a knight, thanks to the work of the composer in the theater, Webber wants to use accumulated for the promotion of learning the art. Once Webber said: "(The Testament) is something that you start to think at my age. I do not believe that the inheritance does it take you to have a bunch of rich kids and grandchildren. In my opinion, the inheritance should be used to maintain the art. " Of his five children "taken care of", but most of the capital, though, will go to fund programs related to art.

The director and producer George Lucas
In July 2010, Lucas signed the "Oath of the donation," Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, promising to give his death at least half of their wealth. In his letter of application to the "Oath," Lucas wrote: "I will make most of his wealth to improving education." Also, the father of four children said that four billion dollars that the Disney company paid him at the base of Lucas Film, will also go to charity.

Texas oil and gas tycoon T. Boone Pickens
All my life - from the delivery of newspapers and to control oil company Gulf Oil - Pickens spent making money through the purchase. Because of this, today the company has invader 1.4 billion of equity capital. It is therefore not surprising that Pickens is not inclined to just give the money, even if it comes to his children. Pickens is still one of America's billionaires, take the "Oath of giving" and, accordingly, donating at least half of their money to charity. When Pickens was asked about how much he would leave to their offspring, the tycoon said: "I have long said that I love to make money, and I like to give them ... I'm not a fan of inherited wealth. In general, it causes more harm than good. "