Photos that conquered the world wide web users
I suggest you take a look at a selection of amazing and sometimes shocking pictures that are literally "blew" a worldwide network in different periods of time.
Shark chasing a canoe
In September 2005, Africa Geographic magazine published pictures of great white sharks off the coast of South Africa. Among them was this one, where the 4-meter predator pursues a kayak.

Pink Dolphin 
In June 2004, the network has pictures of pink bottlenose dolphin - an albino dolphin, sailing along the lake in the state of Louisiana. The pictures were taken captain Eric Roux.

Python, the pulling out of the water kangaroo
This unique image was shown in 2005 in a news release on ABC North Queensland (Australia). Large olive python was trying to get out of the water kangaroo carcass. This picture is surrounded lot of rumors, among them such that it is not a kangaroo, and the most common cow.

Trees after accident
Forest after the accident at the aluminum plant in Hungary, reveals a distinct trace amount of red sludge.

Aircraft on approach to WTC
An act of terrorism September 11, 2001 (often referred to simply as 9/11) - A series of coordinated suicide terrorist attacks that occurred in the United States. According to the official responsible for the attacks is on the Islamist terrorist organization "Al-Qaeda".

Alligator with a deer in the mouth
In 2004, the network has photos of an alligator floating on the lake Cross in Louisiana with the carcass of a deer in its mouth. This photo has shocked many fans of fishing and relaxing on the shore of the lake. In fact, everything was much simpler. As the representative of U.S. fisheries, the photo was taken in south Georgia one of the employees.

The fire in the Bitterroot National Park
2000 was the year for the United States of catastrophic fires. August 6, 2000 appeared several fires in the Bitterroot National Park, fire analyst John MakKolgan depicted in the photo scene, a few deer watching the fire.

Black deer
Photo rare black deer hit the net in 2010. Photographer took a picture of Richard beech, near Austin, Texas.

Multi-colored twins
In February 2006, a number of British newspapers told their readers the story of two twins, who are lucky enough to be born of different races. Their parents are just as different races, but such cases are extremely rare. According to the Daily Mail, chances of this happening are one in a million.

Friendly Whale
In 2009, the photographer Marco Kerala has made incredible shots female humpback whale during one of his dives in the South Pacific Ocean. This is one of the most famous photos taken Marco. He successfully captured the moment as one of his assistants successfully "talked" with a huge whale.

A huge wave is coming
The wave of the tsunami in Japan came close to the shore

Goats on the dam
In September 2010, the Internet has emerged a series of shots where a herd of bighorn sheep climbs the steep wall Buffapo Bill Dam, located in Wyoming. After much debate, it was found that in such an original way the animals were trying to extract salt from the stones.

All the Internet community has stirred up this photo. The author claims that the tree was struck by lightning and from the opal bark and twigs.