The biggest scandals in the history of the Olympics
Conflicts, misunderstandings, criticism of the winners and their environment - without it is a part of the Olympics. However, sometimes it happens so scandals that their memory is preserved to this day. About the loudest of them, and we want you to tell today.
Victory or defeat Michael Phelps (Michael Phelps)
According to some keen supporters of the conspiracy theories, video and photo evidence from the scene suggests that in fact Phelps in one of the heats gave his opponent a hundredth of a second. These people have even created a website on which they accused U.S. officials in that Phelps' victory was bought and that actually came in second mesto.Odnako athlete, Olympic Committee replied that no doubt Phelps win they did not cause, and all the attacks responded calmly.

Logo "Zion"

Once the logo was presented to the Summer Olympic Games in 2012, Iran stated that in fact the logo - it's not the numbers "2012" and the word "Zion" and threatened to boycott the London Games. Zionism - the ideology, the main content of which is anti-communism and chauvinism. The Iranians were not the only ones who criticized the logo. Multi-colored emblem, worth 650,000 dollars, came under a barrage of criticism for the fact that she is ugly, and for the fact that it is a waste of money. However, only Iran has openly called emblem Zionist message.

Underage gymnasts
During the summer Olympic Games in 2000 Chinese gymnast Dong Fangksiao (Dong Fangxiao) won the bronze. Ten years later, she was deprived of medals after it was found that during the games she was only 14 years old. According to the rules of Olympic competition, the athlete must be over 16 years to have a tolerance for the game. Moreover, it is not the only time when China was suspected of sending the Olympic Games underage gymnasts. During the competition, in 2008 the Chinese gymnasts Keksin Xe (He Kexin) and Yang Yuyan (Jiang Yuyuan) because of their children's physical appearance too came under suspicion Olympic officials. The girls were allowed to games only after their passports presented, from which it became clear that they were both 16 years old.

Counterfeit tickets
According to the British newspaper Sunday Times, International Olympic Committee (IOC) formally authorizes a 20 percent surcharge on tickets. This allows event organizers to collect the necessary sum of money. However, some believe that this is not enough, because the Sunday Times reports the existence of a huge black market for Olympic tickets. For example, it was reported that the Serbian authorities offered for sale in 1500 with the promise of counterfeit tickets in case of purchase and also falsified passport. The IOC has threatened to investigate the event.

Hot Cubans
Matos (Matos), a Cuban athlete teykvandist received a lifetime ban after the Summer Olympics in 2008 dealt a kick to the face of the judge. The incident occurred after one of the fights athlete was injured, asked for a break. According to the rules, in such cases it is given pause, lasting 1 minute.However, after this time, Matos has not resumed the fight, so the victory was automatically awarded to the opponent. That's where the hot Cuban and could not resist. Fidel Castro rushed to the defense of his fighters, accusing Olympic officials in constant conspiracy against the Cuban athletes.

Black September
During the summer Olympic Games in 1972 in Munich, Israeli athletes were taken captive Palestinian terrorist group called "Black September". As a result of this act of killing 11 people, including athletes, coaches and a German police officer. In response, Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir asked the Committee on Defense Mossad to track down and deal with those responsible for the attack. Rumor has it that one of the terrorists still alive.

Political order. Explosion in 1996.
July 27, 1996 during the Olympic Games held in Atlanta, there was an explosion. Two people were killed and 111 - received injuries of varying severity. At the very beginning of the investigation the authorities have been several theories as perpetrators of the attack. However, later in the whole American accused of Eric Robert Rudolph (Eric Robert Rudolph), who has already committed something like twice (once he blew a clinic specializing in carrying out abortions, and once made ​​a blast in a bar for lesbians). After man resided five years on the run, it still managed to catch.Currently, Eric is serving a life sentence without parole. As the trial took place behind closed doors, as well as the fact of cooperation with the investigation of the terrorist provoked the emergence of a lot of speculation about the motivation of Rudolf to commit such an act, including, and there was talk of the political order.

An animated logo and epilepsy
Within a few hours of online animated version of the logo of the Summer Olympic Games in 2012 was recorded 12 cases of epilepsy. Olympic Committee logo removed from the official site, with the accused in the incident animators, not the creators of the logo.

The Olympic Games in London. Fake terror attacks.
According to the conspiracy theory Olympiad 2012 was to be the springboard for a series of unreal attacks by such groups as the Illuminati or bilderbergtsy. Proponents of this theory say that imitation can occur invasion of aliens or can even be simulated mock terrorist attack in order to establish a new world order. Extend this theory point to the people logo contest in 2012, referring to it as proof that the UK will attempt to create a "New Jerusalem." "New Jerusalem", for the uninitiated - is a new world order, referred to in the Bible, which will precede the apocalypse.

Athletes with superhuman strength
Many conspiracy theorists believe that during the Cold War, East Germany sought to create a race of supermen, pumping up their athletes with steroids and other drug cocktails. Evidence for this theory - a case with Heidi Kroeger (Heidi Kreger), gold medalist. As she later told Kroeger, the use of certain drugs caused her mood swings, depression, and other unpleasant side effects. At 90 years she has become more and more like a strong man, and eventually underwent a sex change operation. Andreas now (it is Heidi chose a name after surgery) accuses the officials of the former GDR that they used it as a guinea pig for their tests.

Basketball Championship
During the Olympic Games in 1972 the U.S. men's basketball team fought against the USSR team for the gold medal. A few seconds before the end of the game the Americans ahead of Soviet athletes at three points. And then the Soviet Union decided to team coaches to take time out. After the break, the Soviet basketball players have not been able to score. Americans have rightly begun to believe that they have won. But it turned out that their joy was premature. At the end of the set time the match went on, because Olympic officials noted that the clock was not set correctly. Soviet athletes did not panic and won by a margin of one point. Americans abandoned the silver medal from the fact that, in their opinion, the results were rigged, despite the fact that no evidence has never been forthcoming.

Cheating scoreboard
In 1976, the Soviet athlete Boris Onishchenko has brought the concept of "unsporting behavior" to a new level. He established his sword in fencing a special device that forced referee bulb, which recorded the successful hit, light up whenever Boris pressed the hidden key. However, the device was found to be an athlete obviously did not hit the target, and the light, yet However, lit. Onishchenko and other members of the Soviet team were disqualified. Boris After the incident, according to the decision of the sports committee of the USSR, was disqualified for life, and he was deprived of all previously received awards and titles. The sportsman prefer privacy and will never give any comment on the matter.

Manipulation of judges
In 2002, the Russian pair skaters Elena Berezhnaya and Anton Sikharulidze won gold in the short program, beating the Canadians Jamie Salé (Jamie Salé) and David Pelletier (David Pelletier). Winning Russian athletes proved controversial, because the judge was inexplicably not punish the couple for their fall during a performance. In doing so, the judge denied the existence of any wrongdoing, and have been accused of collusion. As a result, gold went to Canadians. This scandal led to a revision of estimates of the Olympic Games in figure skating.

Corruption scandal
The most famous case involving the bribery may have occurred at the 2002 Winter Olympics when the IOC members were accused of accepting bribes from the Olympic authorities to Salt Lake City on the eve of the choice of venue games. As a result of the IOC were laid off 10 people, and another 10 have been punished because of the scandal. Allegations of bribery and fraud have also been brought against Tom Welch (Tom Welch) and Dave Johnson (Dave Johnson), heads of the Olympic Committee of Salt Lake City. However, later the charges against them were dropped, and the game is still held in this city.

Olympics 1924 - the cause of the deployment of the Second World War?
In 1924, Germany was still recovering after a crushing defeat in the First World War. In part, the Germans were planning to restore its reputation with the Olympic Games. However, because of the hostile feelings of the German nation, remained after the war, most of the competitors voted against the participation of athletes from Germany in the games that deeply hurt the patriotic pride of the state. In the months after the games nationalist movements have been active, but about one year Hitler quickly managed to completely take over the government. Perhaps if Germany were allowed to participate in games, an aggressive Hitler would not have found such a mass support for his dictatorship.