The Legend Titanic Then and Now
"Titanic" was one of the world's largest passenger aircraft at the time of its construction. During the first flight April 14, 1912 collided with an iceberg and after 2 hours 40 minutes sank in 2 hours and 20 minutes of night following day. This disaster has become legendary and is still on the ear and causes a lot of controversy. Just on its plot filmed several movies.

Model bow. Nose in the fall to the bottom of the vessel is very well buried in the mud, which greatly disappointed the first researchers to examine the place after hitting the iceberg without special equipment was not possible. Torn hole in the hull, which can be seen in the layout formed from hitting the bottom.

On the ocean floor are scattered hundreds of items ranging from the details of the vessel and ending personal belongings of passengers.
On the mast used to be the remains of "crow's nest", where the lookouts, but ten or twenty years ago, they fell off and is now down about the "crow's nest" just like the hole in the mast, through which the lookouts fell on the spiral staircase. Tail sticking out of a hole - Mount ship's bell.

And the same angle in our time. Looking at the previous photo somehow hard to believe that this is the same place.
On the left can be seen rising above the nose of the spare anchor winch.

Although almost all the wood trim of the vessel has long been eaten by microorganisms, are some elements still exist.

The once magnificent interiors of cabins 1st class now bombarded with garbage and debris. Sometimes you can find preserved pieces of furniture and objects.
Boat deck. The add-on places it either uprooted or broken.

And would look like "Titanic" on the background of the largest passenger liner of our time "Allure of the Seas", commissioned in 2010 comparing to the figures: - Displacement "Allure of the Seas" is 4 times greater than that of "Titanic" , - The length of a modern airliner of 360 m (100 m longer than the Titanic) - The maximum width of 60 m to 28 at the "Titanic"; - Draft is about the same (about 10 m) - Speed ​​is also almost the same (22-23 knots); - The number of teams - 2.1 million people ("Titanic" was up to 900, many of whom were firemen) - Passenger capacity - up to 6.4 million people (on the Titanic to 2.5 million).

At the point of fracture was just the engine room and now these giants as tall as a three-storey house available gaze researchers.Piston assembly:

The surviving part of the superstructure at the front of the deck. Bottom right - the entrance to the grand staircase of the 1st class.

Main anchor the left side. Surprisingly, he did not fall down when hitting the bottom.
Map bow collected from several hundred images. From left to right: right over the edge of the nose sticks out a spare anchor winch, it is for the mooring device, immediately followed by an open hatch in the cargo hold number 1, which diverge from the line to the sides of the breakwater. Mezhnadstroechnoy on deck is a fallen mast, under it there are two hatches in the holds and winches for use with the load. In front of the main add-in used to be the bridge that collapsed during the fall to the bottom and now guess now only on specific details. Over the bridge superstructure is preserved with cabins officers, Captain, radio room, etc., which crosses the crack formed in place of the expansion joint. The gaping hole in the superstructure - the first place in the chimney. Just beyond the superstructure seen another hole - it's a well, which was a grand staircase. Located to the left of something very torn - there was a second tube.

Over stairs housed several elevators for passengers 1st class. They are preserved some elements. The inscription, shown below right, was placed in front of the elevators and represents the deck. This inscription belonged to deck A, bronze letter A has fallen off, but traces of it remain.

The Titanic sank in the Atlantic at a depth of about 4 km. During a dive into the water vessel broke in two parts, which now lie at the bottom of some six hundred meters of each other. Around them is scattered many fragments and objects, including and rather large piece of Titanic's hull.

Elegant chandeliers and hang in place for over 100 years.

Surviving davits, bath in the cabin of Captain Smith and the remains of the steamship whistle, which was mounted on one of the pipes

Open the hatch in the cargo hold number 1. Cover flown away, apparently when hitting the bottom.