World's best universities 2011
International Company QS (Quacquarelli Symonds) has updated the annual ranking of universities. The final list includes 300 universities from around the world. The leaders are traditionally British and American schools, which occupy the first 16 positions. For the second year in a row tops the list of Cambridge University. In second place was fixed Harvard since 2004 steadily for six successive years holding the top spot in the QS. On the third - Massachusetts Institute of Technology is constantly among the top ten for the past ten years.

Flagships of the Russian educational system - MSU and SPSU - down from 93rd to 112th and 210th on the 251-th place, however, they remain in the list of best universities in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. 1 . University of Cambridge Country: United Kingdom Average tuition fees for foreign students: 18 000 - 20 000 USD Cambridge University - the second since the founding of the university in the UK and fourth in the world, a member of an elite group of Russell (Russell Group). Currently the school consists of 31 faculty, which taught about 18 000 students. 2. Harvard University Country: United States Average tuition fees for foreign students: 38 000 - 40 000 USD Harvard - the oldest university in the U.S., which includes 11 separate academic departments: 10 departments and the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced iscledovany (Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study). In the school has about 2000 teachers and has about 7000 students and 15 000 graduate students. Among its graduates are eight U.S. presidents and 75 Nobel Prize winners. 3. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Country: United States Average tuition fees for foreign students: 38 000 - $ 40 000 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - one of the most prestigious technical schools in the U.S. and the world. On the structure of MIT is a research center, which supports a position in technology and engineering and second in science according to The Times. 73 members of the University are winners of the Nobel Prize. 4. Yale University Country: United States Average tuition fees for foreign students: 38 000 - 40 000 dollars from Yale University is one of the eight most prestigious private universities in the U.S.. The program is of breadth and in-depth: More than 3800 courses and 10 departments. Every year there are educated about 11 000 students from more than 110 countries. Among the graduates of this institution has five presidents of America and hundreds of prominent businessmen and cultural figures. 5. University of Oxford Country: United Kingdom Average tuition fees for foreign students: $ 20 000 The University consists of 38 faculties and 6 closed training offices belonging usually to religious orders. The average student at Oxford more than 20 thousand students, nearly a quarter of them foreigners 6. Imperial College London Country: United Kingdom Average tuition fees for foreign students: 30 000 - 32 000 dollars Imperial College London, provides education in science, management and commerce. Included in the elite group of Russell (Russell Group). To each teacher for nearly 11 students. There are about 13,000 students from 158 countries. 7. University College London Country: United Kingdom Average tuition fees for foreign students: 24 000 - 28 000 USD University College London (UCL) is one of the leading universities of Great Britain for many decades and never dropped below fifth place in the ratings of The Guardian and The Times. Included in the group, Russell (Russell Group) and the Golden Triangle (along with Oxford and Cambridge University). 26 UCL alumni were awarded the Nobel Prize. 8. University of Chicago Country: USA Average tuition fees for foreign students: 42 000 - 44 000 dollars the University of Chicago belongs to the prestigious U.S. private schools at the beginning of XX was under the patronage of John D. Rockefeller. It enrolled 15 000 students, the number of teachers is about 2200. Annually for research in science and medicine stands out more than 450 million dollars. 9. University of PennsylvaniaCountry: United States Average tuition fees for foreign students: 40 000 - 42 000 dollars the University of Pennsylvania (Penn) - the oldest institution of higher education in the U.S., which, despite the rich history, not a government, and financed by private funds. At Penn are one of the most prestigious and renowned international business schools Wharton School and Wistar Institute (Wistar Institute), which is a leading research center in the field of oncology and vaccines. 10. Columbia University Country: United States Average tuition fees for foreign students: 42 000 - 44 000 $ Columbia University, shares first place with Cambridge on the number of employees who had been studying here or Nobel Prize winners. In addition, among its alumni including four U.S. presidents, 97 Nobel laureates and 25 Oscar winner. On the territory of 130,000 square meters are three colleges and 26 specialized institutions, which educate about 22 000 students.