Inside the Motherland
Author: In Volgograd, I took advantage of the unique offer press-service of the governor of the Volgograd region [info] Anatoly Brovko and rose to the head of the famous statue of "Motherland Calling". They say that the top rises only a few people a year. Under the cut, I will show that it has inside ... 
Monument "Motherland Calling" - one of the tallest statues in the world - is part of the historical-memorial complex "Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad" on Mamaev Kurgan.

To it are 200 steps - that lasted many days the battle of Stalingrad. As conceived by architect Eugene Vuchetich staircase had to go to the Volga, but, as usual, did not have enough money. Now there is talk about how to complete the construction.

We started our ascent to the Mamaev Kurgan from the area of "fight to the death", which leads avenue of Lombardy poplars, and after it starts, "Wall-ruins". In the center is set figure of the soldier-defender of Stalingrad. According to the architect Eugene Vucetic, "is an allegorical image of the Soviet people as a warrior, fight to the death, ready to strike a blow for the inevitable enemy. His figure rises from the ground rearing, as if turned into a rock - the invincible bulwark against fascism. Warrior merged with the mother earth, like a drawing from her new strength. "
Scratched on the rock inscriptions: "Stand to death," "Beyond the Volga no land for us", "Not one step back", "Every home - a fortress," "Do not disgrace the sacred memory":

Walls, the ruins are impressive, and consider their for hours. This is a kind of ruins buildings that were destroyed long-term bombardment, numerous bombings, isscherblennyh direct hit and gunfire. Subject left wall - "Not one step back", the right wall - "Forward!".
The figure of the famous sniper Vasily Zaitsev, destroyed during the war, 225 German soldiers and officers, at the top left-hand wall seems to be very small, although in fact it is made ​​in human growth:

The walls are many inscriptions, among which there is a quote from one of the meetings of the Komsomol organizations of Stalingrad :
Heard : The behavior of the Komsomol in the battle. Resolved : In a trench to die but not leave in disgrace. And not only do not leave yourself, but make sure that the neighbor is gone. The question to the speaker : Are there any good reasons left to the firing position? Answer : Of all the justifications, only one will be taken into account - death. "

ladder, bypassing Wall -ruins, leads to the Heroes Square with a swimming pool, "Pool of Tears" in the middle. Left of the basin is wall-banner, on which are engraved the words: "Iron wind beat in their faces, and they all went forward, and again a sense of superstitious fear of the enemy covered: whether people were going to attack, whether they are mortal?".
From here you can enter in a round building - "The Hall of Military Glory":

In the middle of the hall is a monument with an eternal flame, and on the walls depict thirty-four symbolic flag, carved with the names of these heroic defenders of Stalingrad, 7200. Results in the Battle of Stalingrad killed about 3 million people:
After a huge hole in the roof of the hall is visible Motherland. Vucetich said architect Andrei Sakharov: "I asked the authorities why she opened her mouth, it's ugly. The answer is: She screams - at home ... your mother! - Shut up ":