Marble Cave
In 1987, Simferopol was opened speleosektsiey unique beauty of a huge cave with a complex system of halls and galleries.
Founded in 1988 Speleotourism center, after detailed research, equipped sightseeing tours - were laid out concrete paths, installed handrails, lighting done. Marble cave was opened to the public in 1989.
According to cavers, it is among the five most beautiful caves in the world. This is one of the most visited caves in Europe, and in 1992 it was adopted by the International Association appointed caves.

Here we are in! The length of routes is equipped with one and a half miles, the length of the explored rooms - more than 2 kilometers.

We welcome the huge halls with bizarre forms sinter formations, rare species of crystals.
The first thing we get to the Gallery Tales, which extends about 200 meters.
The majority of stalagmites and stalactites have their own names. This is the "Minaret" - the card Marble Cave.

Year-round temperature inside - about 8 degrees. Pretty cool, and jackets are great handy.
And this - "cactus." The most common, only the stone. Natural origin, grew millions of years.