Scenic effects of shipwrecks
Normally we think of the wreck, lying at the bottom, when we hear of a shipwreck. The recent tragedy of the ship "Costa Concordia" has reminded us that this is not always the case. Many of the ships end up the way to the shores or near them. Here are pictures of ships, wrecked, but not sunk.

The recent tragedy of the ship "Costa Concordia" hit the front pages of international media.
That's what happens when you decide to ride out the storm at one anchor, and anchor rope is too short. The ship "New Carissa" drifted along with the anchor, and when the team noticed it was already too late to choose the anchor and try to turn away from the shore.
In February 1999 the skeleton of the vessel is decorated with the coast of Oregon. Survived only aft, and the nose blown off and swept into the sea. As a result of the disaster, as usual, a lot of fuel spilled, and the coast had caused significant environmental damage.
And this is, quite possibly, will dismantle the ship "Costa Concordia". In 2008, the oil derrick served as the basis for the operation to dismantle the ship "Old Carissa"

These fragments are under the cliffs at Lands End, at the south-western point of the UK. Ship "Malheym" transporting 2,000 tons of plastic chips from Ireland to Germany, was thrown on the rocks in March 2003.
All crew members survived, and most of the goods and toxic substances removed from the wreck, but nearby bays and coastal areas still suffered greatly.
At the end of 1993 the ship "American Star" sailed from Greece to Thailand, which has become a floating hotel.
In the port of the vessel does not come. Because of storms the towline connecting the "American Star" with the tug, was cut short.
The vessel ran aground in Fuerteventura, Canary Islands, and his left at the mercy of the elements. In 2006, the stern collapsed. In 2007 what was left, collapsed into two parts, and the ship sank - four years after the shipwreck.
Rusting skeleton of a fishing vessel, thrown on the rocks at the Aran Islands. Most of the revenue it brings the islands fishing.

This - the remains of the tanker during the Second World War. It ran aground 500 meters from the island of Lanai, and rot there until now.

On the territory of Cape Verde have been many shipwrecks, and if you are interested in not only them but also what was found dead in the ship - you can recover in the Maritime Archaeology Museum in Praia. They collected the finds made on the many ships that crashed off the coast of Cape Verde from the 15th century.
Any sailor will tell you that the most dangerous coast are those who have a barrier reef. Many ships sailed to the bottom due to the fact that were close to the shore and crashed into a reef. One of these places - barrier reef off the coast of Belize. The presence of people close to the crashed ship shows how small this place.

This ship - one of the victims of Cyclone Uma. It was thrown on shore islands of Vanuatu in 1980 and since then, and remains on the reef. And then turned into an attraction. The Republic of Vanuatu is 82 islands, 65 of which are inhabited. Many Australians are using the territory as an offshore zone, despite attempts by the Australian authorities to stop this.
These vessels have completed the voyage in the Maldives are not victims of an accident. They say that they have flooded specifically to get insurance. Get insurance or not, but nature has found its benefits. Around the crash site to quickly emerged a unique ecosystem that is attractive to divers. Local residents receive from that income.

"Bettina," is so poorly at the land in 1994. "Oh!" - The first thing I want to say when you see it. All six crew members were saved. The ship tried to pull tugs from the shore, but did not have time - the waves and the rocks took their toll. In fact, near the island of Stroma in Scotland, about 60 ships were wrecked. Scots hope to one day use the insane power of waves to generate electricity.

One of the most famous beaches of Greece, saffron cod, got its name from a shipwreck. In the early 1980s, the vessel was carrying cargo of smuggled cigarettes, trying to escape from the Greek navy ships. Inexperienced team, got into a storm, the ship landed on a bank and disappeared. Now this beach - a popular tourist destination, to which, ironically, get on the water.

And the ship that crashed off the coast of Honduras in the 1970s, had time to acquire legends. One legend has it that it was carrying contraband.Others believe that the ship took part in the revolution in Nicaragua. However, there is also the view that this was an ordinary timber from which the cargo was removed in an attempt to save the ship. This version says that there are many wooden buildings of the same time.