Most unusual deserts of the planet
The heat, miles of sand, rocks and landscapes resembling a lunar landscape - all these scenes that we associate with the desert. But our world is amazingly diverse and not all deserts are the same. Each of these beautiful desert has its own unique atmosphere and spectacular views, sometimes reminiscent of a landscape with another planet.

A. Desert with lagoons - Lencois-Maranensis, Brazil 's hard to believe, but this desert, which extends in the National Park in the state of Maranhao in Brazil, is full of lagoons. Spectacular view creates a contrast between the white dunes and blue lagoons, emerging due to the rains, the water from which is collected in the hollows between the dunes, forming a small pond with clear water. Sami lagoon that is home to fish, turtles and shellfish, can be seen only after winter and before the summer. 2. Color Desert, United States Colored Desert in Arizona in the United States is a vast rolling hills, plateaus and hills some steep slopes. This is dry land with sparse vegetation, which greatly eroded. The name "Desert Color" refers to a variety of colorful sedimentary rock layers that are visible on the background of the harsh landscape. Relief Color Desert is often compared with multi-colored layers of cake. A variety of shades of sandstone and mudstone layers is the result of the content of various minerals in sedimentary rocks and the speed with which they were deposited. 3. The smallest desert in the world - desert Karkross, Canada Karkross Desert in the state of the Yukon called the smallest desert in the world. The dry climate and winds created sand dunes here and contributed to the growth of sparse vegetation that has adapted to the environment. The size of the desert Kakross is about 2.6 square meters. miles. 4. The largest gypsum desert - White Sands, USA Perched right in the center of the Tularosa Basin, is one of the greatest natural wonders of New Mexico in the U.S. - the shimmering sands of the desert gypsum. Dunes cover about 712 square here. kilometers of land, making it the largest gypsum desert wilderness in the world. Unlike other deserts, the sand here is really cool to the touch due to the high evaporation and humidity at the surface and the fact that the sands reflect, rather than absorb the sun's rays. 5. Black Desert, Egypt, the Black Desert - an area where volcanic hills are covered with a large number of small black pebbles. Stones lie on top of an orange-brown earth, and because the desert is not completely black. Perched on one of the tops of many hills, you can enjoy the indescribable scenery, consisting of many of the same beautiful dark hills. However, it is worth remembering that the Black Desert is uninhabited and there are no amenities. 6. The largest salt desert - Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia This desert is located in Bolivia, can significantly change your idea of the desert. This is actually a dried-up salt lake, whose topography is absolutely flat, and it is so large and clear, that it seems as if the sky is reflected, creating a landscape of different shades of blue. Another attractive aspect of the desert - a set of multi-colored lakes, which acquired its color due to the variety of minerals. Salar de Uyuni - is the largest wet salt marsh, which extends over 10,582 square meters. miles. Saline contains a large amount of sodium, potassium, lithium, magnesium, and borax. By some estimates, there are about 10 billion tons of salt, of which about 25,000 tons is extracted annually. 7. The driest desert in the world - the Atacama Desert, Chile According to reports, NASA, the Atacama Desert in Chile is the driest desert in the world. It is 50 times the land of Death Valley in California in the United States. Desert covers more than 105,000 square kilometers and consists mainly of salt basins, sand and lava flows. The average rainfall in this region is only 1 mm per year. In some weather stations have never been registered no rainfall. Weather here is so dry that even on the tops of mountains, which reach heights of 6500 m, there are no glaciers. 8. The desert is covered with snow - the Taklamakan, China Taklamakan is one of the largest sand deserts in the world, being the 15th in the list of the largest non-polar deserts. It extends over 270,000 square meters. km of the Tarim Basin, and its length is 1,000 km and width of 400 km. On the northern and southern edges of it crosses the two branches of the Silk Road, which is usually sought to travelers to avoid the arid wasteland. In 2008, the largest desert in China, there was the biggest snowfall, and were the lowest recorded temperature after 11 days of continuous snowfall. 9 . The desert of red sand - the Simpson Desert, Australia Located in Australia, the Simpson Desert is striking in its beauty thanks to the red sand dunes. Another attractive aspect is that here are the longest parallel sand dunes on the planet. The most famous dune is a dune Big Red, whose height reaches 40 m Although there are quite a harsh climate, this plant grows spinifeks, which establishes the loose sand, and is a habitat for 180 species of birds and lizards and marsupials.