Places that have become brands
Neuschwanstein Castle
One of the most beautiful castles in Europe - German Neuschwanstein - now included in the lists of the most photographed sites in the world: all of the tourists here are sometimes stretched for kilometers. Neuschwanstein added additional popularity that it became the prototype of Sleeping Beauty Castle at Paris 'Disneyland.' And at the same time and got the most recognizable of all the Children of the World logo - logo Corporation Walt Disney. Shrouded in many legends of Neuschwanstein, in fact, became the main source of inspiration for Hollywood's Walt Disney storyteller.

Mount Matterhorn mountain peak on the logo of Swiss chocolates «Toblerone» not to confuse with anything: like a quadrangular pyramid of the Matterhorn is one of the most recognizable peaks in the Alps. This mountain (its height - 4478 meters), hanging over the village of Zermatt, rave all self-respecting climbers. There are more than 30 routes climb this peak, but they are only available to experienced pros. It's funny that the picturesque mountain was not only bars on the packaging, but also "crawl" into it: the idea is that the unusual shape of the chocolate gear - multiple minireplika form of the Matterhorn. By the way, if you look closely, the logo in the center you can find the bear. It symbolizes the Swiss capital and home «Toblerone» - Bern, who, according to one etymological version, translated as "the city of bears."
Kremlin's Spassky Tower Home emblem of the Soviet Olympic Games was invented by a student at the Stroganov School Vladimir Arsentieva. Similar to spaghetti parallel lines (symbolizing the treadmills) are drawn into the pyramid, which is crowned by a five-pointed star. In the minimalist design is easy to discern the silhouette of the Spassky Tower, but to become a "hero" of the logo could theoretically any other tower of the Kremlin.There is even a theory that the prototype "dorozhkoobraznogo" building on the Olympic logo was the MSU-80. However, this version does not hold water - in fact the emblem created for major sporting events on the planet, and not for the Universiade. In addition, the Kremlin, in contrast to the Moscow State University, was always well recognizable in the world.
Hotel "Moscow" Vodka "Stolichnaya" - the most advertised brand of those that "came from the USSR." The world knows about it firsthand, for example, in the United States Vodka Stolichnaya sold in the 70s. On the label of a number of Russian vodka flaunts an important symbol of the capital - the building of hotel "Moscow" (another first, the one project which, according to legend, coordinated by Stalin himself). By the time the "start" of the product is already a neighbor of the Kremlin celebrated its 5th anniversary. Occupies an entire block, "Moscow" officially opened in 1935, becoming one of the first hotels in the Soviet capital. Label design has since remained almost unchanged: the font was varied, to obscure the details of the picture, but the facade of the building still is visible. But Stalin's "Moscow" for several years does not exist - at the site of the destroyed hotel is its double-replica.

Chamonix Valley French mineral water «Evian» named after the town of Evian-les-Bains, near which there are several sources. It was here, on the shores of Lake Geneva with spectacular views of the Alps and the famous bottled water all over the world. No wonder the logo «Evian» got this mountain. And the most photogenic - three snow-capped peaks, which are perfectly visible from the nearby Evian from the Chamonix Valley. In the center - Mont Blanc (4807 meters), and one of its neighbors - the peak of the Aiguille du Midi, famous not so much its pointed shape, as the highest cable car in the world.
Palace in Likani Key design elements of the label "Borjomi" were invented back in the 30s. Surely all the familiar oval, which encloses the image peaks of the Caucasus Mountains, a fountain and a wing of the royal palace of the Romanovs. The latter was built in the XVIII century and is located in the village Likani in Borjomi gorge, famous for its mineral springs, and pensions. In Soviet times, rested in the palace Joseph Stalin, now pompous building is the summer residence of the President of Georgia. Very near to the resort Borjomi Likani is where the famous and produces therapeutic mineral water. A three-hour drive from the village of the Black Sea laps.
Rocky Mountain Basketball Club "Utah Jazz", for which ten years, served one of the best Russian forward Andrei Kirilenko (nicknamed for its accuracy and rate of the AK-47), based in Salt Lake City. The capital of Utah is located in a valley surrounded by spectacular mountain ranges and the Wasatch Okuirr - the same ones that branch off from the famous Rocky Mountains. It becomes clear why the logo of "Utah" and the snow-capped peaks pricked - these are the mountains, the views are from Salt Lake City, opened just crazy. By the way, the local ridges, considerable part of the Winter Olympics competition in 2002.
Mansion family Apricot
logo on confectionery concern "Babaev," painted a huge two-story mansion. This former home of the candy Dynasty Apricot, which is located in Moscow at Low Krasnoselskaya street, 7. The Art Nouveau house was built by architect Shnaubertom in 1905. Have entered the mansion Abrikosov (there is a bike that entrepreneurs have a special "sweet" name) brought in his large family factory. In the confectioners worked a few hundred people, the company was producing about four tons of caramel and chocolate in a year. When the Revolution died down, the factory has a new name - in honor of the district committee secretary Peter Babaev. During the last decades, the company changed owners several times, but the group was geographically in the same place - in the Abrikosov mansion.
Bridge on the River Tyne
reddish-brown ale with a rich flavor drink in pubs all over the world - from the U.S. to Finland. Homeland same brand «Newcastle Brown Ale» (despite the fact that the brewery recently moved to town Tadkaster) will always be Newcastle. It was there, in the north-east coast of Britain, "Newcastle Brown Al" in the 20s won their first army of fans. A label on the bottle fell (and stayed there forever), the then main attraction of the city - the bridge over the River Tyne, the opening of which in 1928 came the King George V. The image of the bridge was put in a five-pointed blue star: it symbolized the five breweries operating in Newcastle. One of them - under the name John Barras - later turned into a network of well-known pubs. Tyne Bridge still adorns the label of English ale, but once he has a competitor: as a trial version of the logo designers placed another bridge of Newcastle - a brand new Millennium (The Gateshead Millennium Bridge), which is funny because the form has the nickname of "blink of an eye ".
Mountain Artesonrahu
history of the oldest movie company logo U.S. (and only remaining in Hollywood) fanned a cloud of mystery. The top of the mountain, surrounded by a halo of stars that have evolved several times. According to legend, the first author of the logo «Paramount» was William Hodgkinson, one of the "founding fathers" of Hollywood cinema. He made ​​a sketch of the mountain on a sheet of paper during a meeting with the owner of "Paramount" Adolph Zukor - perhaps it was one of the mountains in Utah, where his childhood Hodgkinson. The most well-known "live" company logo usually appears before the film and has a very different, peaked in the form. Some believe that the "model" for the screen saver was the peak of the Andes called Artesonrahu in Peru (see photo), while others see it as an alpine peak Monvizo.
Brewery "Pilsner Urquell"
Pilsner brewery - the birthplace of the legendary brand Pilsner. It is here that have come up with a special technology of making a light dry lager with a distinctive bitterness and intoxicating aroma. This technology is now used around the world. The original beer produced by this technology, called Pilsner Urquell and is today the most popular beer brand in the Czech Republic. For inspiration for its logo the guys from "Pilsner" did not go far: at the entrance to the brewery are powerful arched gate, the image which are now available on each bottle of Pilsner Urquell. The plant can be seen on all the components of "Prazdroya" (this is called a beer in Czech): barley, Bohemian hops, Pilsner water and yeast. Nice end of the tour - tasting Pilsner Urquell straight from oak barrels. You can drink all you like!
Mount Ararat
Mount Ararat, whose height is about five thousand feet, towering over the fields of the Ararat valley, where the vines from which produce the famous Armenian cognac. According to the Bible, to the top of the mountains of Ararat landed escaped from the Flood Noah's Ark, and Noah came out of the ark, built the first altar after the Flood, and offered sacrifice, giving thanks to God for salvation. There's also Noah planted the vine, and received from the harvest of grape juice instead of wine, got drunk for the first time from the fermented grape juice, marking the beginning of winemaking. The legendary Mount Ararat can be seen from anywhere in Yerevan and is the national symbol of Armenia and the brand name of cognac Ararat, decorating the bottle label.