Stars and their phobias

by umer | 12:44 PM in , , |

Stars and their phobias
Fear of spiders, heights or snakes - this is not new, but there is much more rare phobias such as fear of chewing gum, water or antique furniture. Let's look at the most bizarre phobias fear of horses from the stars Kristen Stewart to the fear of butterflies Nicole Kidman.
A. Kristen Stewart and horses
In the film "Snow White and the Hunter" Kristen Stewart will play a militant version of the princess who fights for his life, not just waiting in hibernation until her kiss. But how she managed to overcome his fear of horses in the film? The actress admitted that the scene on horseback were given to her the hardest, because she "hates them." Apparently, this fear is ingrained from childhood, when young Stewart fell from his horse. "I broke my arm when I was 9 years old," - says Kristen. But in order to overcome this fear Kristen had to call for help all the fearlessness of Snow White. "I just tried not to think about it. I so much wanted to be in the movie that I thought - okay, if I die because of the horse, all right. " (Tilak Desai / Splash News)

Two. Billy Bob Thornton and antique furniture
Billy Bob Thornton would be a pretty tough guy. After all, he wore around his neck flask with the blood of Angelina Jolie, spoke openly about their sexual games and gave her a piece of land in the cemetery. And this is the most "romantic" moments. Given all this, his phobia of antique furniture in front seems a little ... strange. As with his other phobias - such as fear of Komodo monitor lizards, plastic instruments, and aircraft. Although, as the actor says he fears there is a rational explanation. "Let's start with the Komodo lizards. They have a mouth is horrible toxic bacteria. If they bite you, you immediately go blind. Who likes this? "He also explained that he is not in itself only on old French furniture. "I have a phobia to American antique furniture, just before the French. For example, a big old golden chairs with velvet cushions. Type of furniture is the time of Louis XIV. But from this I am not alone. I can distinguish a fake from a mile away. They did not have such an atmosphere. And not so much dust. " (Getty Images)

Three. Pamela Anderson and mirrors
With its seductive forms, and ex-blond hair, "the savior of Malibu," Pamela Anderson once drove men mad. However, it seems very Pam did not share their enthusiasm. The actress is suffering from eysoptrofobii, that is, the fear of mirrors. "Yes, I have this phobia, I do not like mirrors - recognized Pamela. - I do not like watching myself on TV. If you see some his film, channel surfing, or just leave the room. "(Getty Images)

4. Orlando Bloom and pig
In "Lord of the Rings' Orlando Bloom played a fearless elf, who could turn the battle with the terrible Orcs in a kind of game. But Legolas the elf-and-actor Orlando Bloom - two completely different personalities. If Legolas could look into the eyes of Sauron without fear, that Orlando can not tolerate even a kind of ... pigs. In the film "Heaven" Bloom chose to hastily retire, when one of the pigs ran out of the pen.(Getty Images)

Five. Nicole Kidman and Butterflies
Whatever may seem a strange fear of Orlando Bloom before swine, it seems quite normal in comparison with the fear of Nicole Kidman to the butterflies. Actress "Moulin Rouge" is afraid of insects since childhood. "If I came from school and saw that the gate sat a butterfly, I crawled under them, the stile on the other hand, in general, doing everything not to go through the main gate. I was trying to overcome their fear - says Nicole. - I went into the cage with butterflies at the American Museum of Natural History, and they sat on me, but it did not work. I jumped from planes, cockroaches for me, I did a lot of things, but butterflies for me - it is too. " (Getty Images)

6. Christina Ricci, and houseplants
Christina Ricci is not afraid of ghosts, but she has a problem with indoor plants. The actress considers them "dirty" and simply "going crazy" next to them. In addition botanofobii (because the disease is called scientifically), the actress is also afraid of sharks and swimming pools. (Getty Images)

7. Tyra Banks and dolphins
The competition between the models in the world of show business seems much less severe than the fear of Tyra Banks before ... dolphins.In an episode of her show in 2006, Tyra decided to talk about their phobias models (and their own fear, too). Although one of the models had to endure flying over her head, birds, and the other - there is ketchup, Tyra went to the underwater world, "to overcome their own fear.""You would think that dolphins are cute, but here I do not think so - recognized the model. - I feel the fear and excitement, even when talking about the dolphins. However, after a trip to the dolphinarium, where Tyra swam with dolphins and even kissing them, she said that she learned to "control" their own. "Now I think when I see a dolphin during a dive, I did not panic, do not swallowed the water and drown."(AP Photo)

Eight. Oprah and chewing gum
From an early age talk show diva Oprah Winfrey suffering chiklefobiey - the fear of chewing gum. Obviously, this phobia has gone from a terrible habit of her grandmother: "My grandmother kept the gum in the closet. I was not allowed to touch it, because cabinet was very big, so I developed a fear of chewing gum. " Oprah is so afraid of gum that prevents chew it in his studio ... and at home too. "Once one of my guest at dinner got gum from his mouth and put it on a plate. When she left, I just threw a plate "- says Winfrey.

9. Carmen Electra and water
Carmen Electra is afraid of water, although apparently not so much to abandon filming on the series "Baywatch," which it also glorified."Near the water, I started panicking," - says Electra.

10. Johnny Depp and clowns

There is a weird phobia of celebrities, but there is Woody Allen. The actor and director created one of the most bizarre and neurotic characters, but even the craziest of his characters seem to bring into being the angels compared with this Allen. His phobias range from fully understood (insects, height, cancer, and the crowd) to very strange (sunshine, bright colors, children, deer). His fear to live somewhere outside of Manhattan is transferred to one of the heroes of his film "Annie Hall." This obsession with death and has its roots in the personality of this Alain. "I remember that in 6-8 years I went to bed, plunging into darkness, and thought -" One day I die, "- says Allen. It also does not like traffic. "I do not go to the elevators do not go through the tunnels." And also hates baths. "I like to drain in the shower was in the corner, but not in the middle." And do not even ask about his fear of how the peanut butter sticks to the palate of the mouth. (Carlo Allegri / AP Photo)