10 facts about the most useful fragrances
One of the five senses, which are responsible for our perception of the world, stands the sense of smell. Scents and stench, sharp or subtle scents - with all that we encounter every day. However, few people remember that the odors have also a strong therapeutic effect. Some promote weight loss, help to rejuvenate or even to concentrate, but the others should beware.

A. Working with copiers promotes premature aging. During the copiers emit ozone, the amount of gas produced by cars, a million times higher than the amount of natural ozone. Alas, such a property can not be considered a useful copier. Ozone is a strong oxidant, which helps to speed up all processes of the human body. One such process is aging.
Two. Thanks to oranges, even people who do not consume alcohol, may experience a feeling akin to intoxication. The aroma of citrus fruits solar promotes relaxation, helps to feel at ease and has a warming effect. Although, of course, a glass of good wine smell of orange can not be replaced.
Three. Lavender is a powerful antidepressant. The smell of these lovely flowers helps to cope with depression when other means of alternative medicine are powerless.
4. Lover of chocolate, rejoice! The smell of the goodies promotes the formation of endorphins, which are called hormone of joy. Endorphins are responsible not only for the good mood, they also help to overcome the pain and increase sexual desire. If you are afraid to get better, do not eat chocolate: it is enough to enjoy its fragrance.
5. The smell of lemon helps concentration. Agree, this is a serious argument in favor of a cup of tea with lemon in the workplace. For example, the use of a flavored drink while working at a computer will help reduce errors by more than 50 percent.
6. Aromas of very strong "tie" the memories of some events. Enough to recreate the smell, which was accompanied by the pleasant moments - and the memory will return to us helpfully feelings that we experienced at the moment. This property of odors can be used not only for travel to the past, but also for the treatment of various ailments. Odors associated with pleasant memories, promote production of endorphins, and neurotransmitters, which in turn accelerates the healing process.
7. Even the legends of ancient Greece is not left unattended odors. According to one myth, Hera Aphrodite took the magic belt with a special flavor to seduce Zeus. Based on current knowledge about aromatherapy, you can assume that the lure of the supreme god of Olympus helped fragrances, aphrodisiacs. In particular, these include ylang-ylang, cloves, nutmeg, vanilla, rose and jasmine.
Eight. If you are suffering from a headache, take an analgesic tablet can not, use the essential oil of grapefruit. In grapefruit aromatherapy oil is known for its analgesic properties.
9. When a friend strongly recommends "try this miraculous oil", and its odor is unpleasant to you, firmly refuse such experiments. Friend, the smell of essential oils really could "open a second wind," but you can bring it quite a headache. Whatever healing properties did not have flavor, if he disliked the man, the benefits of this oil will not be
10. Jasmine oil can help a pregnant woman know whether she will soon give birth. During contractions to be applied to the body a few drops of jasmine oil. If the body is preparing to leave, and any training bout, shortly after the use of oil, they fade away.