Beautiful landscapes of the Canadian railway
Canadian Pacific Railway (Canadian Pacific Railway) stretches from Vancouver to Montreal, and laid in major U.S. cities such as Minneapolis, Chicago and New York.
Construction of the railway network was considered madness, it was one of the most bold decisions in the history of railroads.
It all began in 1867 when the eastern provinces of the country united in a confederation. To the west of them lay the vast prairies and unexplored mountain. Behind them, on the Pacific coast, was British Columbia, the power which for a long time hesitated as to which country to join: the United States or Canada
In 1881, construction began under the leadership of William Van Horne, an American of Dutch descent. The path through the prairie was built very quickly, in just 15 months. From a supply base in Winnipeg moved to the west building and construction trains, and each was loaded with building material for exactly one mile of new road.
Construction of the Canadian Pacific w. e was a remarkable achievement of engineering. Vast distances, opening new areas of development, overcoming the ridges of the Rockies, and the fact that the road brought with it a civilization as we move to the west - it was epic, full of romance.
 Trains on the route there are tunnels, viaducts, long bridges.
Double track bridge crosses the St. Lawrence River near the city of Montreal. Length of 1115 m maximum clearance above the water level 17 m bridge has a steel structure on stone foundations. Opened to traffic in 1912
Letbridzhsky viaduct across the river in the province of Albert Bell. Length of 1624 m consists of 67 spans with steel poles and a maximum height above the highest water level in the river, 90.7 meters
 The length of the Canadian Pacific Railway of 27 340 km directly on the territory of Canada.