Unveiling the truth bias

by umer | 12:35 PM in , , |

Unveiling the truth bias
People have a lot of prejudice, which they believe or want to believe, now, we will refute some of them.
Muscles turn to fat if you stop in for sports
Muscle and fat are very different types of cells and perform very different functions. Muscles become larger when a person is engaged in sports, primarily because of hypertrophy. In other words, one does not increase the number of muscle cells, rather they just get bigger. When man ceases to exercise, muscle cells do not go away and do not get fat, they just shrink. People with regular physical activity is spending more energy and it needs more calories, it eats more. If sudden stop playing sports because of unspent increase weight, calories, and not because the muscles become fat.

Ostrich hiding its head in the sand
When an ostrich senses danger coming, he would rather run away than to hide your head in the sand, as one might think. Ostrich - the fastest bird that can outperform many of the animals, with very good eyesight and hearing. Therefore, they can feel the predator long before it arrives. In this case, the ostrich lays down on the ground and wait. Probably, hence the misconception may seem far away, that the head in the sand.

Shaving hair affects their structure and growth
In fact, shaving does not make hair thinner in the future, or more and they do not grow faster or slower, etc. Numerous studies conducted back in 1920 showed that shaving is no effect on the growth rate. Hair growth is controlled by hair follicles that are under the skin. They determine the thickness, color, growth of hair. The hair follicles will not affect the usual shaving "without fanaticism," as cut only the outer part of the hair.

Land - the raw fish
It is not. This sashimi includes a piece of raw fish with sauce. Land - the other dish and its main ingredient - rice. Already added to it seafood in different variations. Yet, in our countries, not at home sushi, raw fish is not often, and processed in some way.

Sun - yellow
The sun is not yellow, it is white. Due to the fact that our atmosphere scatters sunlight, the sun seems to yellow. That is why the sky is blue during the day and not black as night, and sometimes with a touch of yellow, red.

You use the brain by only 10%
This myth is propagated for long. A surprising number of studies showed brain mapping. We studied the function of various parts of the brain.According to them, there is no such area, which would never have answered, rather, is a function not fully studied. Brain scans showed that even during sleep, each part of the brain a little bit, but active. If 90% of the brain we do not use, so any injury or damage affecting the 90% should not affect the rights. But this is not the case, because even minor damage affects, so we use the whole brain, not the 10%. However, sometimes it happens that a person, damaging a vast area of ​​the brain is "normal", but such cases are unique in the amount of one in a thousand other smaller and more "visible."

Direction of the water from the discharge depends on the hemisphere where you live
Indeed, under ideal conditions, the Coriolis force determines the direction of twist of water in the water - for example, you drain the sink. However, the ideal is difficult to reach. This is due to the fact that the scale of the phenomenon is too small to be on it to a great extent influenced by the Coriolis force. This is not a hurricane. The direction of twist of water in the sink by the shape of the sink and sewer system configuration to a greater extent than the Coriolis force.

Red "juice" in raw meat - it's blood
Red "juice" in raw meat is not blood. Almost all the blood flows at razdelyvaniya mascara, which is why you will never see blood in raw "white meat."Only an extremely small amount of blood in the veins is when buying meat in the store. What kind of red liquid in the meat, such as beef? Such meat contains a lot of water, which is mixed with a protein called myoglobin, which ultimately gives an abundance of red liquid.