Manufacture of fireworks
Plant of pyrotechnics is in Primorsky Krai, near the village of Mikhailovka. This is the only company of its kind in the Far East. Let's see, how do fireworks and other explosives.
At first glance, making salutes simple procedure. However, in the process of creating fireworks have to deal directly with the explosive and flammable substances. In some cases it may be sufficient only one low-energy shock or shock to cause an explosion of the mixture or its ignition. Pyrotechnic production - a process that requires strict control at all stages. To you and I saw the bright flash of fire in a holiday sky, each sleeve passes through dozens of hands, and the production process lasts for 9 days. First rolled sleeves of paper.
In the shop making guide tubes, there are two people
Snanok dips the paper in glue, turns and cuts the tube.
On this machine produced 2 million of these handsets a year!
For sustainability in every pocket of the future of fireworks must fill exactly measured portion of ground, dried, sieved and compacted clay. Only then scatters no fireworks and down and sideways and upwards. "
The next workshop will not enter without a respirator, there is the process of pressing clay into the guide tube products.
The factory works since 2010 and currently produces 45 kinds of batteries, fireworks. In 2013 it is planned to produce 64 kinds of Batteries, fireworks, Bengal candles, as well as the manufacture of pyrotechnics 4 - Hazard Class 5

Tube, pressing the last process, again packed by 60 pieces

Work preparing the clay, pressed
Then go to the third workshop
Cases with already packed clay stitch into the battery, connect the fuse. The most important sector of production - a special room where the powder charge cartridges. Then salute battery pack in a box.
Head of the plant pyrotechnics Julia Grachev said that on the day after the fireworks of professional interest, it tries to circumvent the possibility of nearby neighborhood: to charred shells to batteries can be found, how was the launch, which prefer fireworks this time, everything was gone in a regular mode.
"Of course, we are working with China - is the best, with the ancient tradition of production of fireworks in the world. They help us to develop a kind of salute. This is a very interesting process. We tried to come up with entirely new fireworks ", - said the director of the plant Edward Shaba.
Fireworks, which produces a seaside plant, 90% are made of Russian raw materials. Powder supply from Samara, wads of St. Petersburg, the clay brought from Spassk-Far. Sleeves rolled ourselves out of cardboard, which is sold on the Ussuri paper mill.
Tube stitched into the battery and connect the fuse

The most important sector of production - a special room where the powder charge liner

Bookmark the powder into the guide tube products in the area charging salutes.
Following the powder is placed in a tube and tightly pressed pyroelectric pyzhom

Batteries acquire wick

upakovyvayutya and boxed
We also learned that the seaside plant pyrotechnics plans to take part in the competition of producers, which will provide the show on the opening and closing of the Olympic Games in Sochi.