Planted with fruit
Recently, I was telling you how and where to grow bananas and pineapples.
Let's learn about other exotic fruits and more.How to grow bananas Homeland bananas are tropical Southeast Asia. As food bananas are cultivated in the tropics. At temperatures below 16 C growth slows significantly, and at 10 C - stops at all. Contrary to popular belief, bananas do not grow on the palms. Banana plant - is grass height of 5 feet, like a palm tree. With a thick, up to 20 centimeters of herbaceous stem.
In Russia, bananas grow in the vicinity of Sochi, but the fruit does not ripen to a state fit for human consumption.
How to grow olives Olives - is the fruit of the cultivated olive tree species - European Olive. This evergreen subtropical tree height of 4-5 (10-12) meters. (Photo by Francesco Quarto):
According to the international language, there are black olives - ripe fruit of the olive tree and green olives - unripe fruit of the olive tree. In Russia, the olives are called fruit green (unripe), black olives, black olives call (mature). This division exists only in Russia.
How to grow avocados English name avocado tree and the fruit of the same name - alligator pear («alligator pear"). Avocado - a fast-growing tree, reaching a height of 18 meters. The stem is usually straight, strong branches.
Avocado - oval or globular fruit, often similar to a pear 5-20 cm long and weighs 0.05-1.8 kg.
Where growing durian durian - a tropical tree of the family Malvaceae, whose fruit - fruit known as the taste and smell. Durian is home to Southeast Asia.
Durian grows on tall trees up to 45 meters high.
This is a large fruit. They weigh more than 5 kg, with a very hard shell, covered with spines. To understand the scale of durian. (Photo by Herald)
How to grow watermelons Watermelon - a plant of the family Cucurbitaceae. Watermelon is home to South Africa, where it is still found in the wild. Watermelon is often placed in the tombs of the Pharaohs as a food source in their afterlife. In Western Europe, watermelons were brought in the era of the Crusades. grow watermelons almost like cucumbers. Fields called the melon fields, which stretch along the ground long lashes.They are formed and watermelons:
Interesting fact: the world record for watermelon weight is about 119 pounds. (Photo Kderty):
How does a mango mango - genus of tropical plants and the name of the fruit with a sweet taste and a fibrous structure. This plant - one of the national symbols of India and Pakistan.
Evergreen mango tree has a height of 10-45 meters, coma reaches a radius of 10 meters. Flowering mango tree:
Ripe fruit hanging on long stems and weigh up to 2 kg.
Planted with figs As you might guess, dates grow on date palm. Since ancient times, dates are used by man as a high-value food. In the sale usually come as dried fruit.
Date palm grown in IV century BC in Mesopotamia, which is located on the territory of modern-day Iraq. Date palm brings higher yields for 60-80 years.
How does a papaya papaya homeland is southern Mexico, Central America and northern South America, but it is now cultivated in all tropical countries.
Pawpaw or papaya - low slender tree with a thin, devoid of branches stem height of 5-10 meters. Flowers develop in the axils of the leaves, turning into large fruit with a diameter of 10-30 cm and a length of 15-45 cm
How does a drain Total are several hundred species of plum, popular mainly in the northern temperate regions of the globe.
Plum tree usually has a height of 6 meters:
Blooming plum tree:
How does a grapefruit Grapefruit - subtropical evergreen tree of the genus Citrus. The first to tell the world about grapefruit botanist priest Griffiths Hughes in 1750, the year. (Photo SLHyke)
The name is derived from the English. grape (grape) and fruit (fruit), as the fruits of grapefruit often gather in clusters, thus resembling bunches of grapes.
An evergreen tree is usually about 5-6 meters in height, but there were cases where the height of the tree reaching 13-15 m fetus reaches 10-15 cm in diameter, average period for which the fruits ripen, is about 9-12 months. (Photo by Sarah Biggart):
Where growing pomegranate Pomegranate - a genus of shrubs and small trees with thorny branches, reaching a height of 5-6 meters.
From one tree usually collect 50-60 kg of fruit. A tree lives for about 100 years.
Pomegranate is a native of Persia, and his name in Latin means "grain", "faceted". According to ancient legend of garnet grains exactly the same number of days in the year. But in fact, in the garnet may be more than a thousand grains.
In places where the coconut scientific genus name is derived from the Portuguese word coco («monkey") and given because of spots on the nut, which make him look like a monkey's face. Birthplace of the coconut palm is not known exactly - it is expected to come from South-East Asia (Malaysia). Now it is widely distributed in the tropics of both hemispheres.
Coconut palm tree - a tall tree (up to 27-30 meters). Barrel - 15-45 cm in diameter, leaf length of 3.6 meters:
Coconuts grow in groups of 15-20 pieces, fully matured for 8-10 months.
How to grow pineapple pineapples grow in tropical South America and south to Argentina and Paraguay. Pineapple - Terrestrial plants with prickly stems and leaves. orderly. Pineapple plantation. (Photo Estevam Cesar):
Collecting pineapples. (Photo by Rahmat Hussain):
Pineapples weigh 2 to 15 pounds and looks like a big lump:

How to grow oranges Oranges grow on orange trees from 4-6 up to 12 meters.
Orange is home to South-East Asia. European travelers brought oranges to Europe in the XV century.
In Argentina, for the transport of oranges has been developed even a special aircraft (FMA I.Ae. 38 Naranjero). Its name (Spanish Naranjero) translates as "Orange" or "Merchant oranges."