Easy way to ruin a career

by umer | 11:52 AM in , |

Easy way to ruin a career 
Some of the most common mistakes that can ruin a career.sure to remember this and never do if you want to reach the heights of the workplace.luck. 
72% of executives surveyed most serious mistake committed by men in the office, called the racist remarks, and 70% of respondents named such cheap remarks of men towards women. According to researchers, thus manifested narrow-mindedness and a low level of emotional responsiveness.bawdy jokes
Joking aside strife. Especially in the office. Inappropriate jokes put people in an awkward position and indicate the speaker's inability to properly assess your audience and environment. At the same time, 61% of executives believe that the ability to assess the mood of others and effectively adjust according to that his statements, their tone and content - is one of the most important skills necessary to advance in the workplace.

Tears in the workplace (and it does not matter, they are caused by a significant cause or not) harmful to the image of a leader, especially when it comes to men. 59% of executives believe that women's tears make a bad impression, while 63% believe the tears of one of the worst mistakes made by office workers. You should be able to control their emotions.

Uncultured speech
The leaders argue that it is important to demonstrate the solidity of the leaders, pragmatic and intellectual power. That is why we are uncultured immediately undermines the chances for promotion. One IT-manager told investigators, "I saw the heads, which seem at first glance competent, but as soon as they open their mouth and start talking like real clowns pea, this impression instantly fading away."

Swear words are perceived as an error, regardless of gender speaker. This behavior is usually considered unprofessional and inappropriate supervisor.Interestingly, it is also a gross mistake that the internet, which in itself is a communication minefield. Survey respondents named the three major communication errors on the internet placing unflattering reports of his colleagues, posting unprofessional photos and overly personal statements.

There are people who think that flirting in the office has a right to exist. However, almost half of the executives said that such behavior undermines the professional reputation, regardless of whether a man or a woman behaves. Flirting - a slight hint of even a small possibility of a close relationship between two people - can easily be misunderstood.

It is not only repulsive, but also distracting spectacle. Conducted the survey, researchers found that, in principle, fussy behavior weakens "the charm of the head." If a man during a business meeting constantly adjusts clothing or twists in the hands of mobile devices, it begins to seem as if it is something embarrassing or it enough attention.

Avoiding eye contact
Experts in body language say that avoiding eye contact gives the impression that the person is lying or he has something to hide. This behavior during a business meeting makes me think about your lack of interest. At the same time, if you look people in the eye, they feel that they are listened to.

Talk about trivia
If a person can not be concise and coherent account of their thoughts, the others begin to feel that he is not in control. This also weakens the power and influence of the thoughts that he is trying to express. The former head of Bank of America Sally admitted Krouchek President Center for Talent Innovation, that women are usually hard to just shut up. "We need to understand what power has the silence - she explained - because women love to fill the pause chatter. But leaving space around the important thoughts, the person thus lends weight and solidity to what he has to say. "

Too frequent giggles and shrill voice
The leaders called too often giggle or laugh communication error basis of women, and the shrill voice - a major problem for men. Laughter in the relevant circumstances and the right tone of voice - is the most important indicators of solidity leader. The researchers found that the sharp shrill voice is perceived as overly emotional and people just stop by to listen.