Amazing underground wonders 
In this collection you expect amazing subterranean wonders - caves, rivers and underground station, creation and nature.Waitomo Caves, New Zealand

This place is also called glowworms caves. Waitomo has 150 caves, but among them there is one the most popular - Glowworm Cave. It is home to the amazing glow-worms that live only in New Zealand. Just imagine - you're in a cave that is flickering green and blue lights. This place looks like a starry sky. 
Coober Pedy, Australia

This place is almost barren and uninhabited, with a strange landscape. Coober Pedy once was known as the opal capital of the world. People here have lived underground. Now there are museums, shops and even art galleries.
Cango Caves, South Africa

Quarter of a million tourists come to visit these caves every year. It is believed that this is one of the most beautiful caves in the world. It is an amazing form - the work of water and time.
La Ville Souterraine, Canada

Harsh winter in Canada, so was created the largest underground city in the world, in order to avoid the cold. Since the 1960s, 33 km of underground roads were built to provide access to the subway, the largest hotels, shopping centers, thousands of offices, apartments and restaurants, cinema and teatrov.Natsionalny Monument Craters of the Moon, United States
Craters of the Moon National Monument, United States

This surreal park at 83 square miles in southern Idaho is a result of the eruption of lava. The caves are wet, pitch black and quiet, but there are places where the top of the cave is destroyed, and then there is sunlight, making it more mysterious! Included in the list of ten of the little-known natural wonders.
The station of the municipality, USA

This subway station in New York, which was opened in 1904, today it has become obsolete. Stunning architecture - stained glass windows, skylights and brass chandeliers adorn the walls of her curves and arched ceilings. You can even ride a passenger train number 6.
Underground River in Puerto Princesa, Philippines

Take a ride on a boat trip down the cliff, through unlit underground caves, you will get unforgettable impressions of this tour. This unique underwater river system is the longest in the world, it is visited by more than 500,000 tourists a year.
The underground river Yucatan, Mexico

Limestone, which forms the peninsula of Yucatan, is permeated with sinkholes, called tsenotami. The most stunning are huge sources of deep turquoise water flow in the dramatic caves, the Maya called these places the gates to the dungeon.
Reed flute cave, China

It is a natural limestone cave was discovered by accident. It was named the name of cane - is brightly lit fairyland with impressive stalactites, stalagmites and rock formations. And in the center of the cave reed flute is a swimming pool at the sight of which is breathtaking.
Representation of Mary King's Close, Scotland

This place is full of legends about ghosts. In English - Deadlock Mary King. This is an underground street in Edinburgh. Now here give tours, and on this street there are actors dressed as characters of legend. One of the most popular legends says that the owner of this possession Mary King immured in a room of her daughter, which died here. It is said that the spirit of the girl still has not found peace, bring thousands of tourists to this cave dolls and decorations to finally give the spirit of the girl.
The underground city of Derinkuyu, Turkey

Located in the rain-washed basin in southern Cappadocia, this vast ancient underground city contains a number of rooms, halls, stables, churches, grape presses and presses for extraction of oil, chimneys, to incoming fresh air in the cave. There are also schools, rooms to explore, and even beyond the grave. This is an entire underground city.
The caves of Ajanta, India

It is carved into the rock complex of 30 caves, a magnificent example of ancient art. Remarkably preserved murals, carvings and sculptures dating from 200 BC to 650 BC. e., are considered masterpieces of Buddhist religious art. Ajanta Caves - one of the most popular attractions of India.
The Catacombs of Paris

Visitors can wander through miles of claustrophobic, dark and damp caves, tunnels and quarries became the burial of approximately six million Parisians. Here the bones everywhere. Smooth dark passages of the bones forming the wall.
The caves of Cheddar, England

At the bottom of Cheddar Gorge in southwest England were found caves, which are connected by underground rivers formed back in the Ice Age. Today the cave is floodlit so that visitors could watch the beautiful stalagmites and stalactites in various formations of smooth pools.
Ice Caves Kverkfell, Iceland

The cave Kverkfell hidden interior of the castle of the Snow Queen. Two elements are facing, as it also is an active volcano, the lava that melts the ice. Tunnels and caves, amazing river will delight any tourist. These caves stretch more than 2 km, so it is best to explore this place with a very experienced guide.
Crypt of the Capuchins, Italy

This eerie, but very attractive cave is located under the church Santa Maria della Concezione in Rome, here are the bones of more than 4,000 monks who died in the period from 1500 to 1870, the bones decorated the walls.
Casemates du Bock, Luxembourg

Down from the north-east corner of the old historic district of Luxembourg, is an extensive network of underground passages, which were used as a defensive system of the country. Now this is a World Heritage Site.
Caves of Neptune, Sardinia

To get to this point can only be on the ship, or go down the long staircase, which consists of 656 steps carved into the rock. The caves are a popular tourist attraction and one of the most beautiful caves in the world. They were discovered by fishermen in the 18th century. Stalactites, stalagmites, and the formation of marine lake - colorful main elements in these caves.
The salt mine of Wieliczka, Poland

The mine is placed in a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1978. This astonishing underground mine near the city of Krakow visited more than one million tourists every year. Nine levels of more than 300 galleries with works of art, altars, and historical and religious figures, created from salt. Wieliczka Salt Mine - a very popular tourist attraction.
Cave of Pech Merle, France

Original prehistoric cave paintings found in this cave, which is located near to the tree Cabrera in south-western France. An amazing rock art depicting a bison and mammoths were found in 1922. Having been in this cave, you will immerse yourself in the stone age.