Stunning brand of watches in the USSR
Today we remember the Soviet Union, namely the great brand of watches that time. As you know, the Soviets there was a great watch industry. Prior to 1991, working in the country a large number of factories that produced a variety of brands, including watches for the military, which deserve special attention. Our watches have a great design and can easily compete with the well-known Swiss watch.


1 MWF them. Kirov
Beam in the 60's and 70's dream of the intellectual. Ultra flat!
Seconda de lux These watches were exported
Mate In these hours of Yuri Gagarin made ​​his famous flight in space
Beam Electromechanical clocks
for export
Flight of Nuclear Protection

Rocket 24-hour clock

Chron Flight

Civilian version of the Ocean
Rocket. Watch for the Visually Impaired
And in our Russian reality, the clock appears Cosmonavigator
Chron Flight Civilian version of the Ocean


watch this series particularly popular
Rocket. Copernicus

Rocket. The so-called "television." A very popular design in the 70's and 80's
Rocket. Calendar
However, the story is cool domestic hours is not finished.