Unique pictures - Life girls before birth
How to emerging and developing life in the womb? With this collection of unique photos can observe the miracle of human beings from the conception to birth.
1. 4 days after fertilization. After fertilization, the zygote has already predetermined floor (that this, for example, a girl!) and a unique set of DNA. Her DNA will determine the development of her body for the next nine months (and later life). 2. 5-6 weeks of pregnancy. Despite the fact that the fetus has reached only 6 mm in length, it (in this case, we're talking about a girl) nose, mouth and ears are already starting to emerge. Her heart beats about 100 times per minute (almost twice as fast maternal heart), and starts to circulate blood through the body. Brain waves are already discernible in 2-3 weeks! 3. Seventh week of pregnancy. Clockwise, starting from 12: chorionic sac, brain, amnionalny pouch eye, liver, umbilical cord, placenta. 4. The tenth week of pregnancy. All major functions of the body running: the kidneys, intestines, brain, and liver have to work. Her tiny hands and feet are already starting to bend. 5. Twelfth week. Her muscles begin to gain weight, so that all my free time she kicks and stretches. If you put your hand on her stomach, she must answer, because her reflexes begin to develop, even though you do not yet feel. 6. Sixteenth week of pregnancy. 7. Thumb sucking at 18-20 weeks of pregnancy. Already, she has a unique set of fingerprints.