In flight with his hands
Many parents complain that children are now only interested in computer games, but still remain a place where children can create something with your own hands. In model aircraft circle Palace Almaty school boys (and not only them!) Learn to make helicopters and airplanes and launch their creations into the sky.
Leont'ev Oksenenko more than forty years teaching children the cause of his life - designing flying model.
During the Soviet era aircraft modeling sport in Kazakhstan was a mass phenomenon: our team was part of the top five. Own team of modelers were in each area. But with the collapse of the Soviet Union there was a decline everywhere. In the early 90's in the Republican contest was going to just a few people. Fortunately, aircraft modeling sport in Kazakhstan managed to revive. The guys have the opportunity not only to create the model, and exercise regularly. In model aircraft club airfield Bayserke has a playground with a special runway.
Leont'ev himself became interested in modeling as a student of the first class. Together with his older brother wanted to join in the children's section at the technical railway station. But just do not work out. There took older children. Only tears and mother's entreaties to join helped aeromodelling. And as it turned out, was not in vain. Hobby became a profession for Alexei Oksenenko. In 1967, he participated in the competition and reached the final Games. In 1975 he became a master of the sport. And now, in addition to teaching children, Alexei Fyodorovich headed avaiamodelnogo Sports Federation RK is the head coach of the Republican team and the national judge of the highest category. This is despite the retirement age - as long as there is no one to replace.
Change of growing up - it's 25 guys from aeromodelling mug Palace Almaty students. Several groups are engaged for two hours twice a week.
Leont'ev says that modeling to learn many different specialties and most importantly - learn of discernment. In aeromodelling sport for more than 20 disciplines. Most models are divided into free flying - it gliders, Cordoba - the ones that come with the motor, and radio-controlled. Serious athletes often are engaged in the design and so are jacks of all trades.
First of all, the children are taught to do the simplest turntable. Vystrugivaya them with a knife, children get their first experience with the tools.
Alikhan new here. He came to the aircraft modeling circle on recommendation of a friend who promised that there would be interesting.Alikhan although studies in the sixth grade, he had already decided that in the future will be a heart surgeon to treat parents as may be necessary. Here boy, in his own words, is planning to learn perseverance and patience.
Gradually, the problem is complicated. Next, the more serious the aircraft - glider.
Showa Kim is a lot like his mentor. He, like Alexei Fyodorovich, asked in a circle before they reach voting age. In aircraft construction, usually taken from the 4th grade. Younger children need more attention, and the tools with which to work, not the safest.
Leont'ev, apparently remembering himself succumbed to the entreaties, but with one major condition: Seva had to deal with sottsom. So in this "faith" able to pay just two people. Now Seva independently collects quite complex in design aircraft and participate in various competitions.
In the first stage the materials are not very complicated. Wooden frame, console straw chii, which in Kazakhstan is.
Then based airframe adhesive qualities Mylar film. Cost is not particularly large. Therefore, training in aeromodelling mug free. And, according to Alexei Oksenenko so comfortable as now, modelers had never been. The current leadership of the palace school and financially support circle, and the work does not interfere.
Guys who are really enthusiastic Aeromodelling and made some steps, the support is really needed. For example, a motor for Cordoba aircraft build a very unlikely. And it costs about a hundred dollars.
Ilya Nenilin, according to his teacher, the perfect unique. It can perform successfully in almost any class of models.
Moreover, there is no difference for Ilya on what "fly", whether it's a radio-controlled airplane or helicopter. He is equally well-performing various tricks flying in such models and accurately, no accidents, return them to the ground.
Collecting serious models, athletes strive for realism. At the competition is measured not only flying, but also the quality of manufacturing aircraft. Now with the materials become easier, more available in online stores from anywhere in the world.
Previously get scarce item I could just riding out to allied competition. We had to negotiate with the athletes who had the opportunity to go abroad and everything is for sale.

Iskander Absatarov too promising student. He managed to go from simple to more complex glider planes and even won first place in the competition model aircraft.

The guys who came to the club, the motives are very simple: it is tempting to make their own model, which can take off. And the parents happy to see as a child learns to do something with their hands.

In the section of the model aircraft come mostly boys. Tamaris - the only girl who is engaged in aircraft construction. According to her, designing clothes - normal hobby for a girl - just bored. Make planes much more interesting.
Tamaris now created his first glider, and in the future wants to build radio-controlled model airplane.

Create a plane - half the battle. In order to manage it properly, you need the extreme concentration and nerves of steel. In order not to break the aircraft by the hard, novice pilots train on a computer simulator.

This rather heavy helicopter is designed specifically to use it to conduct a professional video. One film company bought it for 30,000 dollars. But specialists who can manage and maintain this model, the cost is not included. Aeromodelling club became the only place where they could help filmmakers.
To raise in the air a serious model, it is necessary to prepare as much as a real helicopter. Moreover, that the goods: a video camera or a camera, return intact.
UAVs have become a profession Alexei Oksenenko junior. He has long since bypassed his father's honors and awards, speaking in a variety of disciplines aeromodelling sport.
Now Alexei multikoptera been designing specifically for the video was shot from the air.
The new model will fly to eight engines and be able to stay long enough in the air, and most importantly - to shoot smoothly, without jolting.
Controller for complex model also requires training. According to the complexity of managing "toy" planes and helicopters almost easier real aircraft.
In the windows of the studio are seen beautiful model airplanes. And it works better than any advertising. A lot of guys come to the club, crimson idea of ​​doing something like that.
Most modelers are training in the warm season and a special airport. But sometimes the guys have the opportunity to see such a helicopter in action and even try to operate it in the winter.
Alex gets engine helicopter, which is powered by fuel from wood alcohol. To start the engine, it should promote hand.
Iskandar as the most experienced and promising student in the group has earned the right to the control panel. Now every second says that children and computer games - are inseparable. But in reality is not so simple. Enough themselves to break away from the monitor and look out the window. Past you can fly someone childhood dreams come true.